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3 Recommended Supplements All Women Should Take

3 Recommended Supplements All Women Should Take

Menopause can come with many symptoms, which are completely natural and part of the process. A good diet, with lots of healthy options, is one of the best ways to remain in good shape and help reduce some of the unpleasant symptoms you might be experiencing. Additionally, you could also add some supplements to your everyday routine which can support you further. In this article, we will look at the top 3 recommended supplements women should take during menopause. 

1. Does Magnesium Help With Menopause?

As adult women, many of us don’t get enough magnesium in our regular diets, and as we enter the next stage of our life, we may find that our bodies need it even more. If you didn’t already know, magnesium is involved in a wide variety of processes in our bodies and is vital to our make-up. For example, our muscles, nerve functions, blood pressure, energy metabolism, and bone formation all use magnesium to function. 

During menopause, we may find that we need that extra boost of magnesium that we didn’t need before. Magnesium can be important for helping our heart stay healthy, reducing high blood pressure, and even decreasing the risk of diabetes. All of these issues can be worsened, or put at higher risk for women going through menopause. 

Not to mention, during menopause women also have higher anxiety levels. This is because the changes in hormone levels may influence neurotransmitters in the brain. Magnesium can specifically aid in calming anxiety, and can even help you sleep better.

Going through menopause can bring about a plethora of symptoms, including hot or cold flashes, and joint pain - none of which can feel great. Magnesium glycinate in particular can help to ease this uncomfortableness and is one of the top recommended supplements for women to take while going through this change. 

2. What Does Vitamin D Do For The Female Body?

As well as potentially raised levels of anxiety, menopause depression could also be a factor for many women during this time period. Classically called the ‘sunshine vitamin’, vitamin D is another supplement you can add to your list. This vitamin plays a very important role in the day-to-day workings of the body and is needed even more during menopause. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium and acts as a building block for strong bones. But not only that, vitamin D can aid in the proper functioning of muscles, and blood sugar regulation, as well as general health and immunity. 

A common concern about menopause is osteoporosis taking place. Menopause significantly speeds up bone loss and increases the risk of osteoporosis, which can be a fear for many women. Vitamin D helps to keep the bones strong and robust. In addition, vitamin D is great for brain function, and as mentioned above, can help fight off any menopause depression. 

3. What Are The Benefits Of Taking Liquid Collagen During Menopause?

Finally, liquid collagen is another essential vitamin that you will benefit from having in your day-to-day routine whilst going through menopause. Collagen supplements aid in tackling all the most common symptoms of menopause head-on. 

For example, during this time period, we may start to notice our skin change. With more fine lines, wrinkles, and loose skin appearing, this is down to our collagen levels depleting faster at this age. Our Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus not only comes in easy-to-use sachets which are ideal if you are on the go but also includes added nutrients and vitamins in addition to all the important retinol. 

Another common fear is surrounding hair loss. During menopause, many women may notice their hair starts to get thinner. Losing hair is directly linked to a lack of collagen in the body, which means it can be supported by adding a supplement to your diet. 

In addition, liquid collagen supplements can help with joint pain. Naturally, with hormone levels changing, inflammation of joints can be a common occurrence. Due to low collagen levels which can affect your joints, could also result in loose cartilage and tendons. Taking liquid collagen can help to prevent this from happening and also offer the support your joints need.

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